Utilizing Display Ads For Your IT Business

Retargeting (or “Remarketing” to some) has changed how B2B marketers use display advertising platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook, and LinkedIn. For those not completely in the know, retargeting is simply the act of tracking visitor behaviors on your website and then using that information to display targeted ads when they leave.

Most often this used to target new prospects that have visited your primary website or a landing page. This is a great way to increase overall conversion on your site(s) however, here are a few other creative ways that Managed Service Providers can utilize this technology:

Upsell Decision Makers via Payment Portal

Most Managed Service Providers at this point are offering their customers some type of Payment Portal (if you are not we recommend Connectbooster). Typically this is hosted with the provider you use, however MSPs will often link to the portal from their website. Using a link management tool such as ClickMeter, you can add the retargeting scripts to your sitelink and build an audience of visitors who click through to your Payment Portal.

Why is this valuable? From our experience, most payment portal users have buying power and they are the perfect audience to promote “cost saving” messaging to. For example, if you offer VoIP services you can create ads such as “Stop overpaying for business phone service. Add VoIP to your Managed Service Plan and save instantly.”

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Get More Feedback via Remote Session Tool

Some of you may initiate unassisted remote sessions directly through your RMM, but for those who use the customer initiated sessions via pin code, this is another opportunity to build an audience of users. If your page is self-hosted you can install your tracking scripts directly on the login page (or use the link management method mentioned above if it is hosted by your provider).

Why build this type of audience? Now you can create display ads that prompt users to submit feedback after their session. This type of feedback is an invaluable resource when it comes to building out a team of technicians and so the Cost Per Click on a campaign such as this one is a small price to pay for a more satisfied customer.

Source More Applicants via Careers Page

As mentioned previously, it is no secret that building out a team of quality technicians can be one of the biggest challenges you face growing your MSP. Recruiters are expensive, so increasing the amount of direct applications you receive can be a major cost saver, even if you have to part with some advertising dollars to do so.

By installing your retargeting script on your “careers page”, you can now show display ads to potential hires that may have not converted the first time around. This is a great opportunity to tout your company perks, benefits, and culture in a fun way.

I hope these suggestions were helpful. If you have any ideas or have used Retargeting in a non-traditional way for your MSP, we would to hear about it. Feel free to comment below.